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With so much buzz about this guy proposing in front of a bride at her wedding, we thought it is best to run through some proposal etiquette tips that you should consider when planning your marriage proposal.  While there are many ways of being creative and original while planning a proposal, being discourteous or rude to others shouldn’t be one of them. Here are some things to remember to ensure that your proposal is perfect as well as socially acceptable.

The Take Back

Asking for your partner’s hand in marriage is incredibly significant. Make sure that you are ready for the commitment required before you ask the question. It’s a huge breach of etiquette to take back a proposal, and the ramifications of doing so can poison not only your relationship, but the relationships you have with both you and your partner’s friends and family members.

Thunder Stealing

When selecting the perfect date and time of your proposal plan, be sure that it doesn’t interrupt or otherwise detract from another person’s event. Proposing at a friend’s wedding may seem romantic, but in reality its rude to draw attention away from the bride and groom. You will have your day – let them have theirs. The same goes for other events that are meant to honor someone else, like a birthday or baby shower. You wouldn’t want someone else to do it to you, so don’t do it to them.


Make sure you know if there are any particular religious or familial customs that your partner’s family observes – and if so, be sure to honor and respect those traditions, especially if you know it is important to your partner that you do so. Asking a parent’s permission before proposing is one example of a popular tradition that your partner’s family may expect. To ignore it may start your engagement off on the wrong foot.

There are many unspoken rules about etiquette, but the Proposal Planners at The Heart Bandits  know all about them. Let us assist you with any questions you have, and guide you so that your marriage proposal is a success.  Also be sure to use our specially created compact engagement ring boxes when you are ready to make the ultimate commitment. Our boxes are small enough to keep your ring well hidden, but sturdy enough to carefully conceal any ring. Get yours at

Christina Clawson