proposal signs

Summer is right around the corner and it’s the perfect time to be outdoors.  It’s also the perfect time to have an outdoor marriage proposal.  If you are planning on proposing soon but aren’t sure where to start, consider a fun scavenger hunt marriage proposal idea as an interactive way to surprise your partner.

Why Should You Do a Scavenger Hunt Proposal?

Well that’s easy.  A scavenger hunt is a great way to incorporate elements of your relationship in a fun way.  Sold right?  But how do you actually plan a this type of romantic outing?  Well The Heart Bandits are here to help!  Consider the helpful tips below and use some of your own to make it an even more special marriage proposal.

Special Places in Your Relationship

Think back to a few specials places that you and your partner have visited. This could be the place where you first met, shared your first kiss or first shared a funny story. Incorporating important places from your memories into your scavenger hunt will give your proposal more meaning.

If you feel that you don’t have any really special places or maybe the relevant places are not too suitable for a proposal (like a dive bar) then consider new places.  These new places can be locations with views or other romantic places.  If you can see this place becoming special for your future, then by all means consider using it!

Add Special Elements as Proposal Signs

In order to do a proper scavenger hunt, then your partner would need to find clues and items at the different locations that you have already chosen.  But what will those clues actually be?  The simplest option would be to write notes on papers or envelopes and that’s where your partner finds them.

To add a little more pizzaz to your proposal, try adding special elements to the clues.  Instead of paper notes, maybe use special mementos like ticket stubs from your first show together, framed photo from a special memory, or a souvenir from a fun trip together.

Plan Accordingly

Now that you have all the locations set and the clues with proposal signs, then you need to put it all together.  The first step is to have a map drawn up of your partner’s route during the day of their hunt.  You want to make sure that route makes sense and will work logistically.  You don’t want your partner wandering endlessly around the wrong part of the city!

If the venues are staffed by people such as restaurants, then make sure to call ahead at each venue and ask if their staff would be willing to participate.  Try to avoid public locations if possible because of the possibility that your clues may get taken by accident, unless that location is pretty secluded.

Bring it all Together

The final step is to bring this all together and give your partner the first clue of the day to send her on her way.  Consider maybe telling her your stepping out but you really just leave for the day and leave instructions for her at the door. Ring the doorbell and run!  When she finds the clue she’ll be confused but will have lots of fun bringing it all together.

Your role will be to make sure you are dressed up and get to the final location in time.  It would be even better if this final location is decorated with romantic decor like flowers and candles. It will make for an unforgettable day for your partner and a beautiful marriage proposal story.

How The Heart Bandits Proposal Planners Can Help

Though you can do this all on your own, it would be much more beneficial to hire The Heart Bandits as your Proposal Planner to help you get the perfect execution of your proposal idea.  We would help you secure all of the scavenger hunt locations, create personalized clues and mementos at each location, and secure permission so there would be any issues there.  For the final location we would make sure it’s perfectly decorated so that your partner arrives she will be in an emotional high from the moment that is about to happen.

Contact The Heart Bandits today and let our team of proposal experts make your scavenger hunt proposal one to remember.

Beth Beeson