Keeping fit is important for living a long and healthy life, but some people really go the extra mile when exercising. If your sweetheart is a dedicated runner, consider shaping your proposal around the hobby she passionately loves.

If you run together, arrange for something to sidetrack you partway through your run- take her on an unexpected route that ends at a prearranged proposal that is just waiting for you to arrive.

If she is used to running by herself, surprise her on your usual route. Stage friends and family along the way, with flowers and music to hint at what is waiting at the end of her run- you, waiting on one knee.

The two of you might have a lot of friends who also run, especially if you belong to an athletic team or a running club. For an interesting take on the proposal flash mob, have friends and family who run join her with no warning- she can just look over and find her loved ones jogging alongside. Let their numbers grow until she is escorted to the end of her run, and your proposal, by a crowd.

If she is running a race, stage singers at the finish line- as she crosses, they can burst into song. For added flair, shower her in flower petals or present her with an eye-popping bouquet, then go down on one knee and present the ring. This is a great opportunity to get her to realize that, no matter what her place in the race, she is a superstar.

Not sure how to create a proposal that ties in to your sweetheart’s athletic passions? Get in touch with The Heart Bandits. We’re standing by to provide you with the creative inspiration you need to come up with the perfect proposal.

Beth Beeson