Proposal planning backstory

Photo Courtesy of Jensen Photography

As a Proposal Planner at The Heart Bandits, my job is to make sure that the perfect proposal idea that you finally settle on, flows together well. Not only does the actual proposal need to be about her, the story that you tell her that leads up to that moment needs to not only make sense, but also has to be something you are positive she will want to do. Below are some great back stories you can use for your proposal idea.

A Show You’re Seeing

This is a great way to get her out of the house and to the location of your proposal. If she knows that you have a date planned then most likely she will get dressed up (which she’ll want to be anyway afterwards when looking back on pictures) and she’ll be excited about the event. The show really can be anything that you two are into. It can be a musical play, an art gallery, a festival of some kind, or even a concert. The point is that you have to be sure that she would want to do it.

You Can’t Be There

If you really want to have the surprise factor, then one of the best ways to do it is to have her think that you won’t be there. You can do this by having her friends take her somewhere and let her know that it’s not something you’re into, that you have too much work to do, or similar. She will be floored when you show up at the location ready to propose.

Typical Thing You Do

This is the absolute best way to avoid any suspicion from your girlfriend. If you’re doing something that you typically do, like a hike on weekends, the farmer’s market, or a restaurant, then you can easily incorporate your marriage proposal surprise into it. This will make a great proposal story because of the huge element of surprise that she will experience.

Something She Has Always Wanted to See or Do

If she has always told you she wanted to go somewhere and do something and you haven’t yet, either because of circumstance or you dragging your feet, then your marriage proposal is the perfect time to do it on. You can let her know that the time has finally come to do it. For example, if it’s a dance lesson she has always wanted, she will be so excited to do it. She will be even more excited when she finds out you are proposing there. 🙂

If you want your own amazing proposal that will have the perfect proposal story, then we can help. We have been helping guys like you for years to have creative and romantic proposal ideas and have helped them bring them to life. A majority of guys can’t do all the planning on their own because of lack of resources or they just don’t want their girlfriends to catch on. That’s why we’re perfect for the job. Contact us today to get started.
