Photo by Catherine O'Hara

Photo by Catherine O’Hara

Sometimes it seems like everyone and their uncle is standing by, ready to tell you the secret to an amazing proposal. Unfortunately, it can be very hard to know whose advice to trust in all of this, and figuring out the best option for you can be very difficult. Finding a reliable guide through the proposal process is difficult, and we have analyzed a few common sources of advice for you:

Her Mother

While your sweetheart’s mother may be a wonderful resource, she is one to be called on only with caution. For one thing, mothers are not always as current with their daughters’ lives as they think, and some of their ideas will be out of step with your sweetheart’s current life. Additionally, there’s always the chance that her mother will not be able to keep a secret, and you don’t want your beloved to get wind of the proposal before you’re ready. Finally, there’s a tendency for mothers to get too involved in the proposal planning process, and there’s a chance that you will realized too late that you have lost control of your own proposal.

Her Friends

While it’s a good idea to sound out a few of her trusted friends for proposal ideas, be careful about taking their advice too seriously. Unfortunately, many people are unable to separate their ideas for someone else’s proposal from their own dream proposal, and you can end up getting advice geared more toward the friend than toward your girlfriend. Do ask, but don’t depend too heavily on any one friend’s advice.

Free Proposal Planners

Free advice is sometimes worth what you pay for it. Free planners do not make their money by satisfying clients with their wonderful proposal plans, but by attracting advertisers, and they may not be as up to date on the proposal process as a true expert. Read and gather ideas, but do not rely on the advice alone.

All in all, the best source of proposal advice is always going to be an experienced and well established professional proposal planner, who charges a fee and depends on customer satisfaction for their livelihood. They will be the most reliable and the most responsible source of information related to proposals.

To get started planning your proposal with professionals, contact The Heart Bandits. We’ll make sure that your proposal is perfectly tailored to your sweetheart, and no one else.  Contact us today.
