When planning a marriage proposal, it’s easy to get distracted by all of the minutiae- the place, the clothes, the music, the party afterwards. All of this, however, is just window dressing. The heart of the proposal is the question- “Will you marry me?” When considering how to propose, here are just a few of the many, many options that exist for the crucial question.
Just Ask
Tried and true, you can always just get down on one knee and ask her.
Spell it Out
Create a sign, a banner or a mural, and let her read the writing on the wall.
Pass a Message
Employ a letter, telegram, postcard or carrier pigeon to get the question to her- just make sure you’re there when she opens it!
Sing Out
Slip the question into the words of a favorite song, or hire a choir to shout your question to the heavens.
Propose Without Words
Sign language, charades, or interpretive dance- there are ways to ask without ever asking. For a proposal at its simplest, just get down on one knee and open the ring box. No words necessary.
Be Enigmatic
If your sweetheart is a puzzle fiend, why not hide your proposal in a crossword puzzle? Or send her a cryptic card and a decoder ring for a secret society feel.
As you can see, there are endless possibilities for popping the question. Now all that remains is to choose one! If you want to come up with the most personalized and unique way to propose, contact the Proposal Planners at The Heart Bandits. They’ll help you ask a question that will be remembered forever.