As Marriage Proposal Planners, we often get asked what’s the best way to propose to someone.  The answer is not always simple because we emphasize that it really depends on your girlfriend and your relationship.  If your girlfriend is an introvert and you surprise her by having the whole town show up at her doorstep, then she will be appalled of her proposal.  For this reason, this week your friendly Proposal Planners at The Heart Bandits will be giving you 6 Proposal Don’ts that you should always keep in mind.

family in proposal

1. Don’t Propose without asking her parents

It’s a classy gesture that will never go out of style and will put you in good standing with her family.  Enough said.

2. Don’t Propose without a Plan

Sure you know that she wants this, but it doesn’t mean that you should just nonchalantly ask her to marry you as she’s just waking up and hasn’t brushed her teeth.  Your plan should account for what SHE would want in a great wedding proposal idea.

3. Don’t Propose just to get it over with because you bought the ring

I know EXACTLY what you’re going through. You bought a ring and it’s burning a whole in your pocket thinking about it.  You don’t want to walk near a magnet because you fear that it will literally pull the ring from your pocket.  As hard as it is, you absolutely must practice patience at this time.  Make sure you wait until you know exactly how it will all play out before you propose.

Marriage proposal

The Happy Couple

4. Don’t Propose to try to save your relationship

Marriage may sound like the next logical step, but do not use it as a way of saving a crumbling relationship.  Make sure it is for the right reasons.  Your heart and mind should be in the right place.

5. Don’t Forget to document your proposal

If at all possible, TAKE pictures or video!  This is the guy’s day to make it unique and special so make sure you document as best you can with a professional photographer or videographer.  Weddings have thousands of pictures so why shouldn’t the proposal which is also a major part of your love story?

proposal party

6. Don’t Forget to an After-Party plan

After you propose, make sure you think about where you will be, what time it will be, who will be around, etc.  Something will need to be planned so that you can continue on the high that you are on from your best day to date.

Of course, the best way to make your proposal the best it can be is by hiring us as your expert proposal planners so you can be absolutely sure you will be making your proposal everything that she ever dreamed up.  The Heart Bandits would love to help you come up with an amazing proposal concept.  We specialize in marriage proposal planning on very short notice so email us today!
