Every marriage proposal is an individual experience, with singular setup and planning. No matter how you plan on proposing marriage, however, there are a few steps you can take to make sure that everything goes smoothly.

planned marriage proposal

Excellent planned proposal. Photos courtesy of Chloe Moore Photography


While spontaneity has its place, a spur-of-the moment proposal is not going to make the impression you are going for. It’s vital to start planning early. Gather ideas from your daily lives together- what does she love? What does she dream about? Take any inspiration you can, and start to work out your plan of action as far in advance as possible. This is also the time to start hashing out a budget, so your perfect proposal doesn’t bring any financial surprises with it.


Once you have a plan, you need to start getting your ducks in a row. Once you’ve decided how to propose, you need to take action. Do you want to ask her father for his blessing? Do it now. If you will be at a favorite restaurant, make sure your reservations are set in stone. If you will be in a public venue, ensure that there will be no other events the same day. If you are going to make special arrangements such as décor, music, catering, or the presence of loved ones, make sure that all of the parties involved are clear on the details and prepared to show up on time and ready to go.


A proposal is not, and shouldn’t be, a one-size-fits-all undertaking. If you think any girl would love the proposal you’re planning- stop! You aren’t proposing to any girl, you’re proposing to the love of your life. Avoid ideas from Google or Youtube, and pause for a reality check every so often to make sure that your proposal will be as special as she is.


After all of the planning and prep you’ve undertaken, it would be a shame to let this day slip past without leaving a record of your hard work and happiness. Arrange for a photographer or videographer to discreetly capture the moment so that years later, the memory of your proposal will be as vivid as the day it happened.

If you would like more help with your proposal or simply don’t have the time to take the steps above, then seek out the best marriage proposal help available – The Heart Bandits. We’ve helped hundreds of guys for years now create magical proposal stories that evoked all the emotion they were after because their relationships and that moment meant everything to them. Make sure you invest in your moment as well. Contact us today to get started!

Danny Penner