The Huffington Post recently ran an article by Anja Winikka titled “10 Things No One Tells You About Getting Engaged,” which highlighted some of the more unexpected aspects of a modern proposal. The article makes a lot of good points, from the inevitable small flaws that will arise in any proposal, to the way your relationship will change. One of the points that caught our eye, however, is important enough that it demands further discussion.


The article states, “You’ll have to tell your proposal story a million times.” This is a little obvious, but people don’t really think about the implications of this fact. You know you’ll have to call your parents, and her parents. Then you’ll have to tell your best friends, and then eventually the friends you only speak to occasionally. You’ll also have to tell your coworkers, and her coworkers, and your parents’ friends, and the people you meet at the next dinner party, and eventually your children and grandchildren.  As you can see, your story needs to be worth telling.

This doesn’t mean that you need to propose on the top of a mountain,  go down on one knee on the wing of a speeding biplane, or anything extreme. It does mean that you need to plan your proposal carefully, with forethought and careful consideration. The best proposal stories come from the best proposals, and the process is part of the tale.

To make sure that your proposal story is worth all of the retelling it’s going to get, consider hiring wedding proposal planner. Although it might see counterintuitive, their help will guide you through all the steps you need for a perfect story, on the way to your perfect proposal idea.  An experienced proposal planner will make sure that you have carefully thought out your proposal. They’ll help you choose the right place, which will become the setting for your story. They’ll help you create a narrative for your proposal- the lead up, the suspense, the proposal- which will be the plot of your proposal story.

If hiring help isn’t your cup of tea, make sure to start off your proposal planning with a powerful brainstorming session.  This can help you create the proposal of her dreams.  Get a bunch of pieces of paper and on each piece, write a memory you share, a characteristic you love about her, and an activity or place you both love.  Put all of the papers in front of you and try to turn all of that information into an amazing proposal idea.

The alternative to careful planning is not only a less-than-perfect proposal, but a story that falls flat. Having put all of that thought into the proposal itself will be what makes your story worth retelling, time and again.  Contact The Heart Bandits today to help you plan an great proposal story for your partner.
