
Everyone wants to propose in a unique and creative way to show your partner that you truly care enough to take the time to do something inventive and suited for their particular taste.  One proposal idea request we get a lot is to propose using a time capsule – and while this may seem really sweet, there are a lot of hidden dangers in doing this!

Just what is a time capsule? It’s usually a container that holds several items from a specific period of time that is buried or otherwise put away until a significant period of time has passed.  A proposal time capsule often contains mementos from the relationship – photos, ticket stubs from movies or concerts attended together, receipts, plush animals, pieces of jewelry, love notes, and more.  The proposal time capsule, like other time capsules, is buried in a specific location, until the time to propose has arisen.  Then, it is exhumed from the earth or taken out of storage (whichever is more convenient) when both partners are present.  Oftentimes the capsule itself contains a sign or an engagement ring – showing how far in advance the other partner knew that this was the right person.  While this can be crazy romantic, and while it may end with a happy ending for some couples, lets face it, there are also some serious dangers when doing this.

Consider these dangers of proposing using a time capsule:

Weathering the Storm

The place you bury the time capsule can be disturbed by heavy rainfall, snow, wind, and more as time goes on from inclement weather.  Floods or avalanches can displace huge amounts of earth, and time capsules can be easily swept away in conditions like that.


While often cute, fuzzy, and adorable, many animals are voracious diggers and love to tunnel.  Time capsules can be dug up or moved if animals are in the area and encounter it.  Your time capsule may not be where you left it!

Human Interference

Unfortunately, dishonest people are out there.  Someone may come across your time capsule by accident, and if the contents are valuable (such as an expensive engagement ring), it may be gone by the time you get back.  It’s impossible to know for sure that no one else will find it, so this remains a danger.

While proposal time capsules are a neat idea, there are far better ways to propose to your partner!  The proposal experts at The Heart Bandits can help you plan an amazing proposal without all the pitfalls.

Looking for a non-traditional ring box? Check out the uniquely stylish engagement ring box at RingStash.com.  Avoid the disaster of your partner figuring out what you’re up to by spying that large, clunky traditional ring box ahead of time.
