By Petronella Photography

By Petronella Photography

When will your marriage proposal take place? Will you pop the question on a morning jog, just as the sun pops over the horizon, or by moonlight at midnight? Whether your sweetheart is a night owl or a morning lark, the timing of your proposal is something that you should consider carefully during the planning process.

The most important considerations for the timing of your proposal will have to be practical ones, of course. If you intend to propose over dinner at a fine restaurant, then you are pretty much restricted to the dinner hour. Similarly, a proposal involving a sought-after venue will be governed largely by the venue’s schedule, and you will have to work with what you can get.

When you do have some leeway, however, it’s a good idea to consider at what time of day your beloved will be most receptive to a proposal. If she’s a night owl, then an early morning proposal is more likely to find her grumpy and bleary than delighted. On the other hand, if she’s an early riser, it may be a good idea to propose in the morning, leaving her the rest of the day to spread the news.

Her schedule should also be brought into consideration. If she works all day, an evening proposal will be the easiest to arrange, but might also find her tired and worn out from a day of hard work. Finding a free afternoon or a day off for your proposal may be best.

If your dream proposal is a complicated one, requiring a lot of advance planning, then it may be time to bring in backup; hiring a proposal planner like The Heart Bandits will give you extra insight on when you should arrange for everything to start, and can give you a hand in making sure that everything happens on the schedule you have created. The last thing you want is for your carefully-planned proposal to get delayed or disjointed because of timing issues.

If you want to make sure that you propose at the optimal time, and that everything plays out perfectly, contact wedding proposal planners at The Heart Bandits. We have the experience and the resources to ensure that your dream proposal is everything you want it to be.  Contact us today.
