Michele, from The Heart Bandits is now a featured writer for Hitched Magazine, a magazine written to inspires marriages.  Every month you can go to www.hitchedmag.com and find her advice on romance.    This month she wrote an article titled, “Tips for Husbands to Make Your Anniversary Special” and that is what the Romance Tip of the Week is.

It’s your anniversary and you’re asking yourself, “What am I going to do this year?” Well, why not ditch the old dinner and a movie date and do something more personal for your wife! Here are some tips on how you can create an anniversary date that’s thoughtful, personal and unlike any other anniversary she’s ever had.



Send Your Spouse an Invitation

This year, switch it up and tell your wife you want to take her out for a romantic evening by inviting her with a personalized invitation! Dig out your old wedding invitation and use that as inspiration. Try to recreate the theme of the wedding invite and use the same colors. It doesn’t even have to cost any money and will be even more adorable if you make the invite by hand. It’s the thoughtfulness here that will count. She will love that you took the time to find an old invitation and recreate it just for her!

Find a Babysitter for the Whole Night

Kids do not belong on anniversary dates. It’s the one day of the year that should just be about you and your wife. Arrange ahead of time for them to spend the night at your parent’s house or at a friend’s house that you trust, leaving you the whole night to spend together and not having to worry about little Bobby bursting through the door at the wrong time.

Read the rest of the tips here.

If you would like us to have us give you personalized romance help and tips, or to actually plan your Wedding Anniversary, Contact Us today! We are the experts are Romantic Date and Marriage Proposal Planning and also offer packages for Wedding Anniversaries.  Contact us today and make sure that your romantic event goes as perfectly as you can imagine!
