A few posts ago you read about our wonderful Lady Bandit, Michele, now I’m here today to tell you a little bit about the other half of the equation, your (Man, Guy, Dude) Bandit. Similar to Michele, I also love helping people and to know that we helped a guy make his marriage proposal better than he could’ve imagined just makes it so worth it. I bring male’s perspective to the table and I have a lot of ideas that tend to try to make proposals and romance more grand and techie cool :). In a similar fashion, I’ll be responding to the same survey so you can see our personalities.

What time did you get up this morning? 6:00am ๐Ÿ™

Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds… as in baseball diamonds

What was the last film you saw at the cinema? True Grit, I didn’t think it was that great though…

What is your favorite TV show? Laker games

What do you usually have for breakfast? Eggs and avocado

What food do you dislike? Tofu. I can’t stand that. Whatever it is.

What is your favorite CD at moment? Mumford and Sons

Favorite sandwich? Italian BMT

What characteristics do you despise? Flakey-ness

Favorite item of clothing? Crossfit shirt

If you could go anywhere in the world, on vacation, where would you go? Italy, and I’m going there for my honeymoon with Michele ๐Ÿ™‚

Where would you retire to? The Southern California area or maybe Hawaii

What was your most recent memorable birthday? New York City last year

Favorite sport to watch? Basketball

Are you a morning person or a night person? Used to be a night person but more of a day person now

What did you want to be when you were little? An engineer. haha

What is your favorite candy? Snickers is my favorite candy

What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? August 7 ๐Ÿ˜‰

What was the last thing you ate? Marie Calender’s burger… pretty good

Favorite soft drink? Diet coke.

Favorite restaurant? Cocoreno’s in Long Beach

Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla

What is under your bed? Some shoes

What are you afraid of?

Favorite day of the week? Saturday

How many towns have you lived in? Just about 5 or so.

That’s an idea of the other half of The Heart Bandits, hope you learned something about me. Contact us today to help get started on creating memorable moments in your life!
