how to pull off vacation proposal

As we venture into the month of August, summer vacations are still all the rage. And what better way to propose to your loved one than while you’re on a gorgeous summer getaway? Proposing on vacation can be tricky, as they’re more difficult to plan. With this in mind, The Heart Bandits – wedding proposal planners have put together how to pull of a vacation proposal down below. 

Set a Great Destination

Location, location, location. If it hasn’t been said enough, location is everything. While you’re planning out your vacation, set a destination you both will love, whether it be in the snow or on the beach. Make sure it will set the scene you want. 

Have a Back-Up Plan

Vacation shouldn’t be an uptight experience, which means plans will probably change. Go with the flow and have a back-up plan just in case. It’s better safe than sorry. 

Built In Excuses

Use the built in excuses that naturally come with a vacation.  She won’t suspect a thing if you are going to a fancy restaurant, planning a full day of exciting activities, or even hiring a photographer to follow you around and capture you living your best life.  Use that to your advantage and build your proposal right in to your itinerary.

Keep the Ring Safe

There’s nothing worse than losing the ring, and between all the traveling, it’s a huge possibility. Keep it in a safe (secret!) place where you can easily get to it to check it. Purchase a slim-ring box from for extra security.

At the end of the day, pulling off a vacation marriage proposal is possible. You just need the right tools and the right know-how. That’s where we come in. We’ll make sure your summer proposal pans out just how you dreamed it would. Contact us today to start planning the perfect proposal idea.

Emma Lunsford