As an MIT alum, I am ALWAYS fond of cool proposals, especially those that use cool technology and gadgets. Sometimes people tend to use these gadgets in completely the wrong way. So today I will be discussing the proper ways for How To Propose with Cool Gadgets.

Incorporate Her Personality

No matter how cool you think your gadget is, it will not be worth it to use if it does not incorporate her personality at all. If you love iPads and want to use one, put something on it that she likes. For example, if she loves lilies, then have the iPad automatically play a movie that shows a lily being delivered to her.

Use Something She Likes and Won’t Be Scared Of

You’re pretty safe with handheld gadgets but when you start getting into other bigger things, then be careful. You don’t want to have her get on a battery operated motorized skateboard only to be scared to death and ruin the surprise. Stick with items she uses often and will be interested in using.

Be Creative and Cute

This is the hard part sometimes but will be the most rewarding. When you use a gadget in your proposal, you can have the most elaborate sequence of tricks displayed but it may mean nothing for your proposal. If you add an element of cuteness and creativeness that is relevant to your relationship, then that will bring the use of the gadget full circle. It would be a fun way of showing your feelings towards her but with a gadget.

Test the Gadget… Then Test Again… and Again

As an engineer by trade, one of the most important things I have ever learned is that no matter how much you design something, you must always test it numerous times. By testing and doing a dry run of your proposal, you will see if there are any bugs that need to be ironed out. It will be embarrassing if the bug happens on the day-of so make sure you take of it beforehand.

If you want to do something original for your proposal idea, then contact us. We are the world’s premier proposal planning company and experts at marriage proposals. We can give you the creative juices you need to deliver an amazing proposal that will make a great engagement story for years to come.
